
Welcome to my website. I am a medieval historian based in Wales with close links to a number of heritage and community organisations.


Latest Blog Posts

Early mining on Cefn Carnau

Following on from my blog posts on deserted cottages and farmsteads above Cardiff, I have been sent some information about early coal mining on Cefn Carnau. In his History of Caerphilly, H. P.... READ MORE

Mitchel Troy

Amy and I set off to Mitchel Troy, just south of Monmouth, to look for this https://twitter.com/johnevigar/status/1716331933066572125 which the wonderful John Vigar posted on Twitter back in October. It’s a medieval church, probably... READ MORE

Grandparenting 2023

Seth and Ethan are both growing – which means they are more able to play together. Here they are at St Fagan’s last summer And here sharing the joy of puddles and jigsaw... READ MORE